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Impurity Profiles

Based on the LSS theory the implant profile (projected ranges $R_p$ of a huge number of ions) in an amorphous material can be described by a gaussian distribution due to the statistical nature of the ion stopping process.

n(x) = n_0 \exp{\left( \frac{-(x - R_p)^2}{2 {\ensuremath{\...
...h}    n_0 = \frac{\Phi}{\sqrt{2\pi} {\ensuremath{\Delta R_p}}}
\end{displaymath} (3)

The profile is defined by the implanted dose $\Phi$, the projected range $R_p$ and the projected straggle ${\ensuremath{\Delta R_p}}$. $R_p$ and ${\ensuremath{\Delta R_p}}$ are tabulated for various materials and dopants relevant in silicon technology in e. g. [3]. Of course they also depend on the implant energy $E$.

Figure: implant profile by SIMPIMPLANT

In real applications many times the implantation is done through composite layers of different materials. In this case a simple approximation of the implant profile can be calculated as follows:

The described procedure yields continous, but abrupt changing profiles which are no real, but usable as first approximations (fig. [*]).

Figure: implant in composite structure by SIMPIMPLANT

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