In my personal opinion, learning about such a rather complex system with many interactions as plasma processing is not 100% straight forward. It's more like solving a self consistent equation system by starting with a rough estimate and refining it step by step. Means you need to know something about all single concepts, like electrical discharge parameters, gas flow dynamics, surface chemistry and so on before you can get a better understanding of the interactions among them. But without knowing the links you cannot get a deeper knowledge of the single topics in relation to plasma processing. I am now several years in this business and the loop seems to continue forever on.
The most fundamental term in this context is ``plasma etching'' itself, it denotes the continues removal of material from a surface by physical and/or chemical processes. Etching in a discharge environment is achieved by providing active species, which react with the substrate forming volatile products. In plasma etching the reactive species are ions and activated neutrals, created in an electrical discharge. The process takes usually place inside an reactor under well controlled environmental parameters like e. g. pressure, temperature and feed gas flow. In more detail, the etching process can be divided into four steps (see also fig. ):
isotropic/anisotropic/notching/trenching,residues loading/microloading/arde mechanisms to achieve defined profiles/defined particle beam IBE, RIBE / sidewall passivation/ low temperature processing combination of physical/chemical aspects different nature Al/Cl SiO/CF
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